24 November 2023

A Rights-Based Approach to Environmental & Social Sustainability: Webinar

Free Linkedin Event

Learn how to make meaningful changes that protect and enhance your business, the environment, and the people around you.

This free Linkedin Live event will help you understand the main environmental, social and governance concepts and current trends following a rights-based approach. We will address – among other topics – the impact of the “E” on the “S” of ESG (and vice versa); how to incorporate environmental considerations into your social and governance strategy and policies to strengthen the value of your business; how to adopt a rights-based approach to measuring where you are now and your progress (social KPIs); how to incorporate a worker-informed approach into your stakeholder engagement efforts.

The one-hour webinar will take place on Friday, 24th November, at 4:30 pm CET.

Confirmed BST Impact speakers are:
- Giulia Biselli, Head of Risk Monitoring & Evaluation
- Silvia Scozia, Head of Law & Policy
- Jon Kinnell, Head of Impact Philanthropy & Social Value

The video will be displayed on the event page when we go live.
Visit the event page for updates and kindly contact sscozia@bst-impact.com or gbiselli@bst-impact.com for any queries.